Premier Aquatics team attended 2019 Associa Cares Vendor Fair in Waterford at Springfield, VA. They had an opportunity to meet a lot of Portfolio Managers, Community Managers, Assistant Community Managers and over 300 executives.
WMCCAI Conference & Expo is the largest gathering of community association professionals in the D.C. Metro Area and is the largest event across CAI chapters worldwide.
Automated water sanitization systems provide a more sustainable and cost-effective way of purifying water.
Yana and Milica participated in volunteering event at Capital Area Food Bank. They were organizing and packing up donated food for families in need.
pHin is reinventing hot tub care with a WiFi-enabled smart monitor and a mobile phone app to take away the guesswork. It’s the perfect addition to your ThermoSpas hot tub and as easy as Monitor, Notify, Add!
Yana and Plamena visited Chicago for the annual Greenheart Work and Travel Conference.
Zaneta and Dominik had an amazing opportunity to visit Las Vegas, Antelope Canyon, Horseshoe Bend, Los Angeles and Peru. Great choice of places to visit.
PremierGuards and our International Supervisor taking a day trip to Six Flags. The best way to entertain yourselves on days off!