Lawmaker wants diaper changing tables in men’s restrooms

Currently, there is no federal or state law requiring buildings to provide changing tables in their bathrooms, and any business that does so installs them voluntarily.
Lawmakers in certain states, in a bid to let dads play a bigger parenting role in public, are pushing for baby-changing tables to be installed in men's restrooms presuming there is one already in women’s bathrooms. They say the changes reflect shifting family dynamics, though the plan was criticized as yet another costly regulation on businesses.
Currently, there is no federal or state law requiring buildings to provide changing tables in their bathrooms, and any business that does so installs them voluntarily. But one sponsor, Democratic state Sen. Ricardo Lara, said the effort is a “common sense approach” to fix the problem of unequal access to changing stations. “As the demographics of the modern American family evolve, traditional gender roles with women as the primary caregiver for the children are changing, and men are becoming more and more involved in the care of their young children,” he told in a statement. “There are also a growing number of same-sex households with children. The bill also ensures that public facilities for changing babies’ diapers are equally available to both men and women.”
City of Alexandria new proposed health code will require each Pool bathroom to have diaper changing station. Premiere Aquatics believe that is “Time for a Change” that everyone need to be treated equally and that pool patron visits besides being safe need to be convenient and enjoyable for everyone. We will try to raise the awareness among our clients and hopefully in couple of years have diaper changing station in each bathroom at each facility managed by Premier Aquatics.