Premier Aquatics team visited Warsaw, Poland for Hiring Event of our SWAT participants for Summer 2020.
Zaneta and Dominik had an amazing opportunity to visit Las Vegas, Antelope Canyon, Horseshoe Bend, Los Angeles and Peru. Great choice of places to visit.
PremierGuards and our International Supervisor taking a day trip to Six Flags. The best way to entertain yourselves on days off!
Recruiters at Premier Aquatics are joining community, and local groups on Social Media sites to help those who are seeking jobs, find their match.
The Summer 2017 Season is officially underway! Today Premier Aquatics welcomes our first #SWT participants to the U.S.! Who's ready for an amazing summer?
Are you wondering what seasonal based companies do during off-season?
Take a look at some of our 2016 Participants describing their experience on the SWT program with Premier Aquatics.
Thank you everyone again for keeping our pools safe this season!