The Nine Switches of Human Alertness
Right now, take a moment and estimate how alert you are on a scale of 1 to 10. Now, go a step further and try to pinpoint what factors are influencing your alertness levels.
Right now, take a moment and estimate how alert you are on a scale of 1 to 10. Now, go a step further and try to pinpoint what factors are influencing your alertness levels.
It Helps Stabilize pH. The main purpose for using borate in a swimming pool is for easy maintenance. It works to stabilize pH in order to avoid pH-related problems. It plays a very important role in having an easy-to-maintain and trouble-free swimming poo
We like to show our support for our J1 students. They come to the USA to visit and work but we like going to them to see where they come from.
Premier Aquatics team traveled to Atlantic city for 2018 Pool and Spa show. This event we met all manufactures, builders and vendors at one place to exchange experience and help each other in the pool and Spa industry.
As any other industry, the aquatic industry is no stranger to trending technologies. In 2018, there is an app for virtually anything when it comes to swimming pools and spas. Below are some examples of the useful apps available to us.
Proper bonding and grounding of a pool's electrical and metal equipment is essential for the safety of patrons.
Introducing the newest product in our innovative products and chemistries:the poolife Exclusive Pool Care NST Extended Release Non-Stabilized Tablet.